Monday, January 21, 2008

This is a bit odd...

Okay. Yesterday brought with it the Nevada Caucus for both the Democrats and Republicans and South Carolina for just the Republicans.

First off, it continues to look more and more that the Republicans are in for a big mess come their convention... 3 for Romney (MI, WY, NV) 1 for Huckabee (IA) and 2 for McCain (SC, NH). So, its still up in the air and continuing to be split.

Now, on to the Democrats... Hillary won NH, but Obama had more Delegates... Hillary won NV, but Obama received more popular Delegates??

Obama has 13 popular delegates to Hillary's 12. But Hillary received 2 superdelegates to Obama's 1. So, although she won the popular vote... She tied with Obama overall, but lost to him in popular delegates...

Friday, January 18, 2008

8cm Tiny Fiery Instruments of Death

It appears that in the near future certain groups in Japan hope to launch a paper (probably not paper... definitely something stronger and less... flammable...) airplane from the ISS to Earth.

is the original Japanese if you can read it.

Here's what, as far as I can tell, is the first English post on the topic.

This seems interesting.. and I am very VERY interested in hearing about a paper plane that can withstand Mach 1 intact, let alone Mach 20... Also, What about the speed this things going to build up on reentry? If it hits a building? "Paper plane devastates Down-Town New York City" would make a catchy and humorous title, more fitting of the Onion than the New York Times.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Hampshire Primary

Well, the Primary has been called for Hillary and McCain. On the whole this doesn't really mean a whole lot.

Why? First, Its state #2 (#3 for Republicans). Meaning there's time left for many changes and victories.

There is also another way to see the Primary for both parties. By a tally of the Delegates, Obama won. Why? Super-delegates. Those already decided minds in the DNC that have been appointed and can decide their mind ahead of time. Hillary had 2, Obama 3. What does this mean and why do I bother to mention it? It evens out at Hillary 11, Obama 12.

Most of Hillary's supporters were women, Exit Polls say 57%, most of which were over 40. Also, oddly enough, of those (37%) who would support Bill Clinton for re-election , 57% of those are Hillary supporters... Now tell me that they aren't hoping for a new Clinton Administration... See here

Looking to the Republicans: A nice clusterf@#% is on its way if things keep going this way. Huckabee for Iowa, McCain for New Hampshire, and Mitt Romney for Wyoming. If it continues this way, the fight may not be over by the Convention... Maybe not even after...

It's still anyone's game.

After Iowa, Before New Hampshire.

As the results rolled in on the evening of the Caucus, Obama and Huckabee became the proclaimed leaders. Obama I had expected and personally caucused for, but Huckabee I had rarely even heard about save side articles about his ... interesting views and past behavior (probably some in the realm of conspiracy).

Now,when Huckabee won, I was not alone in wondering how and why. I had no idea he was that popular. Well, the pundits and their friends decided it was because of Iowa's large Evangelical population.

Wait, What? I've lived here for quite a while and have never really noticed that strong of an Evangelical community. I went to a predominately white public grade and middle school, and then to a Catholic High School. Even in the public schools I knew more Catholics and agnostic/atheists... Quite a few Lutherans too, but are they really 'evangelical'?
I only know of a few real evangelicals...

My take on all of this is that the Reporters that be couldn't figure out what happened, so they went with the best guess they had: Evangelism. I think it might be the overall repitition of the word 'Change.'

We'll see how this plays out tonight in New Hampshire in a few hours. Putting Guiliani's continued repitition of "9/11" with Hillary's Tears and the Obama (and Edwards and Huckabee) vague message of 'Change.'

Let's see how this plays out.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Iowa Caucus - Urbandale Democratic Precinct 1

These are my notes from observing the Caucus... More on the results later...

Also, precincts were packed. Mine last time had 40-60, this time: 303. My friend Dan: 90 then, 500 now. Chris: ~ 100 last time: 800 this time.

No official representatives for Kucinich, Biden, or Gravel.

303 people present making 45.45 people for 15% viability.

To get a delegate 34 people are needed.

On the whole: Obama group much livelier, louder, and seems to be ~ 45-50%.

Hillary = mostly old women…

30 min to separate into viable groups..

first tally:

Obama= 104
Edwards 67
Clinton: 95
Richardson: 50

Second Tally:

Clinton: 98
Richardson: 35 … = 309

Delegates -

Edwards – 2
Obama – 3
Clinton – 3 (rounded up the number)
Richardson - 1

More or less, on average – Obama speakers on locally televised caucus and in person are more energetic and good speakers. Hillary's speakers generally a woman, not great speaker…

The Iowa Caucus: Pre-Caucus

Well, I am a citizen of Iowa, specifically Urbandale (think Des Moines, move north a few miles and I'm there.)

As anyone who has been paying attention to the news knows, the Caucus is tonight. What will happen, is anyone's guess. By anyone I mean the leaders will most likely remain leaders, and the long shots will probably remain just that.

I've been noticing yard signs while driving around, and have a theory based on my observations. These signs are a way of showing support for a specific candidate, and at this time in the primary/caucus hubbub if a sign is present, the said household, or at least one member, is very to extremely supportive. So, by what I've seen Obama has the most signs (from what I've seen), Hillary has the next most (as well as the most rabid fans... I mean, one sign will do the same thing as 500, right? More than one on a yard simply shows they have plenty extra.) from there it gets iffy... Maybe Edwards, He has a good bit of support. I've seen about one sign each for Richardson, Biden, Dodd, and Kucinich.

On the Republican Side... I've seen a few Huckabee, a few Mitt Romney's, a McCain or two, and one Ron Paul. Even over in the Rich-ish neighborhoods, I saw more Democratic caucus signs (what I would expect...)

On another note: For the love of God, please stop campaign calls. Seriously. I have not picked up my home phone for over two weeks. Every day, 30+ calls for random candidates. Even with quickly hanging up, they don't get the hint, and call back within 30 seconds... up to 5 times.

Anyhow, I'll update as things go along.