Friday, January 4, 2008

The Iowa Caucus: Pre-Caucus

Well, I am a citizen of Iowa, specifically Urbandale (think Des Moines, move north a few miles and I'm there.)

As anyone who has been paying attention to the news knows, the Caucus is tonight. What will happen, is anyone's guess. By anyone I mean the leaders will most likely remain leaders, and the long shots will probably remain just that.

I've been noticing yard signs while driving around, and have a theory based on my observations. These signs are a way of showing support for a specific candidate, and at this time in the primary/caucus hubbub if a sign is present, the said household, or at least one member, is very to extremely supportive. So, by what I've seen Obama has the most signs (from what I've seen), Hillary has the next most (as well as the most rabid fans... I mean, one sign will do the same thing as 500, right? More than one on a yard simply shows they have plenty extra.) from there it gets iffy... Maybe Edwards, He has a good bit of support. I've seen about one sign each for Richardson, Biden, Dodd, and Kucinich.

On the Republican Side... I've seen a few Huckabee, a few Mitt Romney's, a McCain or two, and one Ron Paul. Even over in the Rich-ish neighborhoods, I saw more Democratic caucus signs (what I would expect...)

On another note: For the love of God, please stop campaign calls. Seriously. I have not picked up my home phone for over two weeks. Every day, 30+ calls for random candidates. Even with quickly hanging up, they don't get the hint, and call back within 30 seconds... up to 5 times.

Anyhow, I'll update as things go along.

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